KP: It`s going to be a huge series

Posted by rukshanshamilk Monday, December 7, 2009

England were confined to their hotel again by more bad weather on Monday and Kevin Pietersen admits frustration is mounting among players eager to prepare properly for a "huge series".

Net and middle practice is perhaps more important to Pietersen than anyone as he tries to ready himself for next week's opening Test against South Africa at Centurion, barely a month after his first match back from a four-month injury lay-off.

England will have played only three days' cricket in three weeks by the time their scheduled first of two tour matches against South African Airways XIs begins here on Wednesday.

There have been a welter of cancelled training sessions in that time too, to go with one-day international washouts in Johannesburg and Durban.

"It's been very hit and miss on this tour," said Pietersen.

"I don't think I've been on too many tours where we've actually had two games rained off.

"It's worked in our favour so far, in terms of the results. But we're here to play cricket; we want to play cricket, and it's very frustrating sitting in a hotel room and not being able to go and do what we love."

Pietersen has yet to click again with the bat as he returns after his Achilles surgery - and he knows runs, or at least precious time in the middle, are very important for him this week.

The South Africa-born batsman is confident nonetheless that he and the rest of the squad will be able to deal with whatever circumstances are thrown at them as they embark on a four-Test series against hosts deposed by India as the top team in the world at the weekend.

"There are quite a few of us with good experience of international cricket, so we're going to have to draw from that - get our heads right, get our heads round what we can't control," he added.

"Then when we do get the opportunity to go and train we make good use of it.

"We just want to get cracking with the new balls - the red ball instead of the white now.

"It's going to be a huge series for us and a huge one for South Africa.

"It will be a very, very tough series for us - being away from home as well - and we just want to get started."


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